Category: Poems for Grownups

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Heavy Load

He was really getting to me, Stopping at each intersection, Beating on his panel truck With a kind of planned perfection. He would jump out of his truck With a wooden baseball bat And bang upon the old truck’s sides With a rat-a tat-tat-tat. He was getting on my nerves, Why should I endure this […]

God’s Getting Better

She sat there on her Grandpa’s knee, As he read to her from her book. She felt first of his cheek, then hers, And her face had a puzzled look. She touched his gnarled weathered hands, As she sat on his bony knee. And then she asked him once again, “And you think God also […]


Dedicated to you that are writers – you will understand! I’ve finally written something, The magazine accepted. All my other efforts Had been quickly rejected. This time my writing effort, They used without restriction. It was the check I wrote them For my year’s subscription. Very few writers avoid the indignities of rejection slips. I […]

Blonde’s Cell Phone

Art got his wife a cell phone, His lovely blonde-haired wife. She’d never seen a thing like it In her whole blonde-haired life. While shopping at the grocery store, She got her first phone call from Art, “I really like my cell phone, Honey, But how’d you know I’m at Wal-Mart?”

Prayer Would Have Been Preferred

Yesterday I got a call, she said her name was Joan. Her husband had been injured and he was all alone. As chaplain could I visit him until she could get there? Because she wanted him to know she’d sent someone to care. The doctor said the patient was really doing well. How soon he’d […]