Category: Quickies

(Click on a title to see the full entry with graphics.)

Blonde’s Cell Phone

Art got his wife a cell phone, His lovely blonde-haired wife. She’d never seen a thing like it In her whole blonde-haired life. While shopping at the grocery store, She got her first phone call from Art, “I really like my cell phone, Honey, But how’d you know I’m at Wal-Mart?”

Cancer Sticks

She read that cigarettes Cause cancer in lab mice. She keeps hers in a mouse-proof box To protect them from her vice.


There is a mystery That’s never been solved before. Why can’t the guy who snores Ever seem to hear himself snore?

It Must Be All Right

“Oh, no,” he said to his little girl, “That light was red, and I drove right through!” “Well it must be all right,” she told him, “‘Cause the cop behind us did it too!”


The old man sitting next to me Was searching for his ticket. He said he’d looked in all the places Where he would usually stick it. I told him, “Tell me where you’re going And I will gladly pay your fare. He said, “That’s why I need my ticket, It’s how I’ll know when I […]