Category: Life with Children

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It was a very preppy school Where wealthy parents sent their girls, Who were their fathers’ source of pride And were their mothers’ little pearls. The school walls were ivy covered. The park like grounds showed tender care, The janitor was justly proud Of all the work that he did there. Now all the bathroom […]

Student Driver

My nerves are all shot, My hair’s turning white. My hands are a mess, No nails left to bite. My whole life just passed In front of my eyes. My throat is raspy From terrified cries. I’m going to die, No way to survive. I just started teaching My teen how to drive!

Powder Puff Fight

We had a fight with a powder puff My sister Jennie and me. When you fight with a powder puff It’s hard for you to see. You twirl around in powdery clouds That smell so much like Mother. I told Jennie, “This will teach you Not to tease your brother!” Now just where did our […]

The Pastor’s Daughter

The young girl asked her father “Why do you always bow your head Right before you begin to preach, While the scripture is being read?” “I ask God for a good sermon, That’s something that I always do.” “If you ask for a good sermon, Why doesn’t he give one to you?”


It was first game of the season, There was excitement in the air. One team had much bigger players, It didn’t seem to be quite fair. I asked a lad from the small team If he had kept up with the score. He said his home team had zero, The other team had 24. “Just […]