Ding Dong

Ms. Frog once had
A set of twins.
She named one Ding
The other Dong,
I told Ms. Frog,
If I’m not wrong,
That Ding’s not Ding
She’s really Dong.
But Ms. Frog said,
“That just can’t be.
Just look real close
And you will see.”
So is Dong Ding
Or is Ding Dong?
Ms. Frog and I
Can’t both be wrong.
There’s just no way
That you can tell,
‘Cause they both run
To the doorbell.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 olievea knight on 11.10.15 at 4:27 pm

I am in 4 grad and I had a file trip ther today and I rilly like it it was good meeting you today I rilly like your family poet and It was so fun hereing some of your family poets I got a book feii of some of your family poet and I rilly like them I remebre to go on you website to see more of you family poet

love olievea knight from ms ogden class at j.l. lyon elementary

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