The Talking Frog

An old fisherman and his dog
Came upon an unusual sight.
A talking frog had caught its leg,
And was screaming with all its might.

“Help me loose,” the little frog cried,
“And I will bring joy into your life.”
The old man pried the stuck frog loose,
Using his sharp fish cleaning knife.

The frog said, “I am a princess,
I am under an evil spell.
One kiss from you will set me free,
And I will treat you very well.”

“So please just kiss me,” the frog said,
“And I’ll be your beautiful wife.
I promise you days full of joy,
And I will be your slave for life.”

He put the frog into his creel
And started off with his old dog.
“At my age”, the fisherman said,
“I’d rather have a talking frog!”


#1 Martin on 09.13.11 at 9:36 am

Wonderful poem! He’d rather have a talking frog, hahaha, that’s what I’ll be saying when I reach that age.

#2 A Talking Frog | Ramblings From An Old Man on 09.30.11 at 2:39 am

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#3 Petros on 10.01.11 at 10:44 am

That’s brilliant. Thanks for that.

#4 J. Pierson on 10.07.11 at 10:27 pm

very cute!!

#5 gina on 09.19.15 at 1:00 am

love it unique rare witty and right on the money refreshing change of pace from the news

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