Category: Growing Older

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God’s Getting Better

She sat there on her Grandpa’s knee, As he read to her from her book. She felt first of his cheek, then hers, And her face had a puzzled look. She touched his gnarled weathered hands, As she sat on his bony knee. And then she asked him once again, “And you think God also […]

Bald Man’s Lament

I used to go to the barber shop To talk and pass the time of day. I used to go to the barber shop Whenever I had things to say. I miss those trips to the barber shop To spin tales in the barber’s chair. But I don’t go to the barber shop Since I […]

Oldest Man Alive

I am the oldest Man alive. I’m one hundred And forty-five. I read it so It must be real. You’re no older Than you feel. So if it’s true What experts say, Then that’s how old I am today!


The old man sitting next to me Was searching for his ticket. He said he’d looked in all the places Where he would usually stick it. I told him, “Tell me where you’re going And I will gladly pay your fare. He said, “That’s why I need my ticket, It’s how I’ll know when I […]

They Must be Wondering

She was ninety-nine years old And as healthy as could be. So I asked her, as she stood there, “Why the gloom and misery?” She said all her life long friends Had already passed away. I said, “Surely you’re not lonely, You have visitors every day.” She said, “Oh, I’ve got new friends And older […]