Entries from June 2000 ↓

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I thought it was the salesman’s foot, I couldn’t shut the stupid door. I gave it a much harder slam But it bounced back like before. What kind of man would use his foot And suffer pain in such a way? I slammed again, I’d break the thing, Intent to ruin this salesman’s day. I […]

The Sneeze

I sneezed a snoze Into the air. It fell to earth I know not where But it was such a great relief That I didn’t break my teef.

No Hope

I hope and pray There is no God; That life will end Beneath the sod. “You are a fool”, My friends all say And then they ask To whom I pray. They make me seem Like such a dope, So I won’t pray I’ll only hope. But there’s no hope, I start to see, Without […]

A Call for Lee

It was somewhere around midnight When the dumb phone began to bleep. The loud ring startled me awake, Out of a deep and pleasant sleep. “Good buddy would you be so kind To let me talk to my friend Lee?” I said, “I am not your buddy And no one else lives here but me.” […]


He built new knees, both right and left And then replaced both of my hips. “A two for one sale,” he explained, Talking between his cuts and snips. For selling me new body parts, My surgeon has become a glutton. Now every thing has been replaced Except for my belly button. Today he said, “My […]