Entries from August 2023 ↓

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No Such Things as Ghosts

“There are no such things as ghosts. It’s all in your stupid head!” I told my little brother, As we got ready for bed. “There are no such things as ghosts.” And I made it very clear. “It’s stupid to believe in ghosts, So you have nothing to fear.” He pointed under his bed, We […]

I Didn’t Kiss Her

Lots of kids tell things about me That I simply didn’t do! They tell stupid things about me, Things that I promise just aren’t true. They tell great big hairy stories And they tell fabricated lies. Well, okay, I might be the one That tasted two of Grandma’s pies. But it’s a great big stupid […]

Monkey Shines

Monkey see, Monkey do. Did it see me When I kicked you?

Consider the Rabbit

Consider the rabbit, She just likes to have fun. But she’s on the menu Of almost everyone. Now since she’s the main dish On everyone’s table, She just has to raise kids As fast as she’s able. The fox shown in fable, To be such a sinner, Just loves to have Bunny To his house […]

When I Get Big

My teacher says I shouldn’t belch. It’s one habit I should squelch. But if squelch means To be real loud. It’s one talent Of which I’m proud. She says that it Will gross folks out. It’s lots of fun I have no doubt. If I get big And still have gas, I think I’ll teach […]