Category: Consider…

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Consider the ‘Possum

Consider the ‘possum, About whom much is said. When life gets too tedious, Mrs. ‘Possum plays dead. She carries her children All around, in her pouch. When they kick and they fight, It has got to be OUCH! But when climbing in trees, And her four feet all fail, And most others would fall, She […]

Consider the Kiwi

Consider the kiwi, With looks so absurd. But one must admit That she’s quite a bird. With feathers like hair, No wings for a flight; A beak that has whiskers! She’s quite a strange sight. The egg that she lays, Is so big, you might ask… Just how could she ever Accomplish the task. Then […]

Consider the Rabbit

Consider the rabbit, She just likes to have fun. But she’s on the menu Of almost everyone. Now since she’s the main dish On everyone’s table, She just has to raise kids As fast as she’s able. The fox shown in fable, To be such a sinner, Just loves to have Bunny To his house […]

Consider the Tortoise

He takes long walks Alone in the park But he never fails To get home before dark. ‘Cause he takes his home Wherever he goes He drags it along With the claws on his toes. He’s famous with children For winning one race Which taught the advantage Of a good steady pace. Though safe in […]

Consider the Unicorn

Let’s consider the unicorn… Such a grand weapon on its head! Have you ever stopped to wonder Why all the unicorns are dead? When God first built the unicorn, He made them so that they would last. He made them look much like a horse, With draft horse legs both strong and fast. With a […]