Category: Limericks

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Heavenly Golf

I asked a young preacher named Kevin If I could play golf up in Heaven. He said, “Certainly so, But I think you should know You’ve a tee-time tomorrow at seven!”

A Man From St. Joe

There once was a man from St. Joe Who liked to go out in the snow. One day he went out With whiskey and stout And now has a tag on his toe.

Dead Voters

A shrewd politician named Fred, Had supporters both living and dead. Dead voting perfected, Sure he’d get elected But he got indicted instead!

Thanksgiving Dinner

Grandma thought turkey passé, I hear And though it might sound a bit queer, She served us all steaks Made from rattlesnakes. There’ll be lots of leftovers this year!


Our pretty hen turkey named Sam Fell in love with our neighbor’s old ram Their offspring suspicious Were really delicious For Thanksgiving we had turkeylamb.