I thought I’d get a “C†Instead I got an â€A†Now I’ve got the giggles I don’t know what to say. It’s such a lovely thing I’ll hold my “A†up high I’ll float away with it And ride it to the sky. I know what Dad will say, “If A’s are so much […]
Entries from September 2023 ↓
(Click on a title to see the full entry with graphics.)
My First A
September 24th, 2023 — Poems for Children
Bad Bug
September 23rd, 2023 — Poems for Children
Last night, when I got into bed, I missed my mommy’s nighttime hug. Daddy said she couldn’t kiss me Because she has a nasty bug. I told Dad, a bug’s no problem, No big thing to worry about. When Mom’s computer got a bug, She used her mouse and got it out.
Food Play
September 21st, 2023 — Poems for Children
Sometimes when I’m happy And in a playful mood, I like to do fun things Creative with my food. So when I learn to talk The first thing that I’ll say, “I want some food to eat And some food just for play!”
Wee Wee Wee
September 20th, 2023 — Mangled Nursery Rhymes
Five little piggies All went out to eat, Which for little pigs Is always a treat. Two piggies had trout And two pigs had brim. The fifth said water Was enough for him. Three pigs ate whole pies, One ate a quarter. The littlest pig Drank only water. The waiter’s comment, “It’s so weird, I […]
Mommy Smells So Good
September 19th, 2023 — Poems for Children
I like the smell of candy stores And the fresh smell of cedar wood. But I love the smell of Mommy ‘Cause Mommy always smells so good. When Mommy tucks me in my bed And hugs and kisses me goodnight, The smell she leaves behind with me Makes all the bad things become right. I […]