Entries from June 2023 ↓

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How The Slug Lost Its Shell

Have you ever heard the tale Of how the slug was once a snail? He envied all the shells he saw But with his own he saw each flaw. One day a hermit crab came by, He had a shell that pleased Snail’s eye. Now hermit crabs are quick to trade And with the snail […]

Cactus Horse

My brother made a hobby horse Entirely out of cactus. I think that if he learns to ride It’ll take a lot of practice. One thing’s for sure, he won’t fall off If Cactus Horse puts up a fight. ‘Cause once you’re on a cactus horse You’re stuck there awfully tight.

Guardian Angel

I feel sorry for the angel That has to follow me around. That moaning, groaning that I hear Is probably my angel’s sound. This morning did he get worried While I climbed up that old dead tree? And was he the one that caught me Before I fell and skinned my knee? And later when […]

My Mister Messup

Mom says I have a Mr. Messup That follows me everywhere. She says that I could stop him But she doesn’t think I care. Then she told me yesterday She almost caught my messup elf. She said no way one boy could make So much a mess all by him self. Last night when Mommy […]

Five Star Cook

Last night before supper, Mom said It was time I learned how to cook. I screamed and I threw quite a fit When she gave me her recipe book. I thought I would make cooking fun And the thought brought a great big grin. I would cook a meal so awful That they’d never ask […]