Entries from June 2023 ↓

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Five Star Cook

Last night before supper, Mom said It was time I learned how to cook. I screamed and I threw quite a fit When she gave me her recipe book. I thought I would make cooking fun And the thought brought a great big grin. I would cook a meal so awful That they’d never ask […]


Sister has the best toys, She has so many more. That’s ’cause she is oldest I think she’s almost four. Bubba’s toys are neatest, I think they’re really cool. They must stay in his crib ‘Cause that’s my Mommy’s rule. I wish that I could talk. Then someone would be told That I need all […]

A Dog’s Lament

He took a bull and he took a cow. He took a boar and of course a sow. He took two dogs and a couple of cats; He even took mice and a pair of rats. He took grasshoppers and honey bees; But why in the world did Noah take fleas? Wouldn’t it have been […]

Kitchen Water

When I wake up in the night, I most always want a drink. But parents in their hurry Won’t ever take time to think. They try to give me water From the bathroom sink upstairs. But I want kitchen water, As if anybody cares.

Sisterly Love

My sister gives me her old clothes. She always gives them to me free. And I wonder why she does it, I guess it’s because she loves me. It must be a major bother, Having to go to the clothes store, ‘Cause when she gives her clothes to me, She always has to buy some […]