Category: A Writer’s Life

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Free Verse

I read a poem The other day, It didn’t rhyme, To my dismay. You ask me how Was one to know It was a poem? They told me so. Scribed in lines Both crude and terse, They said that it Was called free verse. Why it was verse Was hard to see But one could […]


The words you thoughtfully Put to pen, Are carefully weighed For only then. You’ll know the price You have to pay For just how much You had to say.

Writer’s Lament

Writing your first book is so traumatic; Finding a publisher is the worst. I think I’ve solved the problem; I’m writing my second book first.

Writer’s Joy

I just wrote my sixth book. It’s great to be alive! I’ll dedicate it to my family, They bought the other five.


Dedicated to you that are writers – you will understand! I’ve finally written something, The magazine accepted. All my other efforts Had been quickly rejected. This time my writing effort, They used without restriction. It was the check I wrote them For my year’s subscription. Very few writers avoid the indignities of rejection slips. I […]