Category: A Writer’s Life

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Useless Words

Sis said, “It’s raining cats and dogs!” I was eating apple strudel. She said before she came inside, That she had stepped into a poodle. She watched me as I penned these lines And told me it should be a crime, For poets to add useless words To try and make their verses rhyme. My […]

Turtle Shell

I saw a turtle In a shell, It seemed to fit him Very well. Now I just wonder, D’you suppose That I can buy me One of those? What are the colors One can choose? Do they make them in Reds or blues? I asked the turtle If he knew, Where I could buy me […]

Circle Fly

The politician had a fly That was circling ’round his head. “That fly is really bothersome, It makes it hard to speak,” he said. “My daddy calls them ‘circle flies,’” Said a young lad who sat close by. “They always circle ’round someone They think is gonna tell a lie.” “Are you calling me a […]

Turn About’s Fair Play

I have a neighbor I don’t like He messes up my hair. He never does it to my sis And I don’t think that’s fair. A friend said I should mess his up, “Turn about” is what it’s called. “I can’t do that,” I told my friend, “Because my neighbor’s head is bald!”

I Wish Blackbirds Would Just Shut-Up

A blackbird is the worst of singers, In concerts he cannot join in. He’s ridiculed at singing contests, With his harsh voice he cannot win. A maestro wished to help the bird And purchased a violin for him. The saddened blackbird soon found out, Chance of success with it was slim. A road of cobblestones […]