Category: Poems for Children

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Something I Didn’t Do

“Would you be mad at me,” Jan asked, “For something that I didn’t do?” “Of course not,” said her teacher, “Why would I be mad at you?” “I got a new computer game And it was such a lot of fun; I’m glad you won’t be mad because I didn’t get my homework done.”

Jennifer Rat

Jennifer Jones just stole my name And gave it to her stupid cat! She’ll be sorry, when she finds out Mom’s buying me a new pet rat.

My Dessert

My brother says a monster Lives underneath our table, And no one else can see it ‘Cause only he is able. My brother says he’s nice And he never tries to hurt, But he thinks that to be safe He should feed him my dessert.

When Daddy Fixes Breakfast

When Daddy fixes breakfast, Things never seem to go just right. Sometimes the things he fixes Are a pretty gruesome sight. The waffles, that my dad makes, Would interest fossil lovers. Be the envy of the steel mills Where they make manhole covers. Today when he fixed breakfast, I’m not sure just what I ate. […]


It’s time to tell you nightie-night, No more tales and lullabies. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite. Sandman will win, no use to fight, So hug my neck and close your eyes. It’s time to tell you nightie-night. It’s time for me to dim your light. Now dream of chocolate cake and pies. […]