Entries from July 2023 ↓

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Young Cheetah swung Out on a vine, In search of fruit On which to dine. Had the vine been Somewhat stronger, I could have made This poem longer.

Things My Grandma Says

“You let him have a BB-gun? He’s going to shoot his eye out!” That I was gonna shoot myself My Grandma didn’t have a doubt. So I made a terrible face Because of what she had to say. “I guess you know when it freezes, Your face is gonna stay that way.” Now when I […]

Wiped Off

Mom said my face was dirty So Daddy wiped it off. And now it sure is hard For me to sneeze or cough.

My Smile

I will always wear my smile In everything that I do. But my smile is not for me, I just keep it there for you. It gets me out of trouble When I’ve been a little bad. I pass it on to others When I see that they are sad. I must wear it carefully […]


When Aidan was born He looked at the sky, He looked at his mom And then he asked, “Why?” Tell Aidan the truth Or tell him a lie, Aidan will always Just have to know why. Tell him a ‘possum Can’t learn how to fly. He’ll want to see proof And he’ll ask you, “Why?” […]