A Monster for Sis

A monster came into my room.
He sure gave me the creepy creeps!
But I got rid of him real fast,
I told him where my sister sleeps.


#1 Ham on 02.22.09 at 9:19 pm

I wish a monster came into my room…
My sister isn’t my “best” friend…

#2 wayne on 02.24.09 at 12:24 pm

Sisters seem to grow on you. I only have one sister. She is 2 years older. I thought from time to time that she was trying to kill me but we are both old grandparents now and are the best of friends.

#3 Aidoboy on 10.11.10 at 11:40 am

MY sisters are evil. I have 2.

#4 Brette on 02.25.11 at 10:22 pm

I remember this poem from today when you read it to us at the luncheon and I laughed because I could relate to it because I have a sister and know what it feels like!

#5 Jeremy D Edwards on 06.21.14 at 3:29 pm

I which I had some scary monsters to scare my Sisters away there scary Sisters sometimes ha

#6 Jeremy D Edwards on 06.21.14 at 3:30 pm

I mean that they are to scary

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