Entries from July 2003 ↓

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Billy Hermit

Old Billy Hermit built a house; Why he built it… we have no doubt. He built it without doors or windows To keep unwanted company out! He built it way out in the sticks Where no one else had ever been. And there he plans to live alone If he can find it and get […]


I would talk to the red haired girl The next time that she passed me by; But if she didn’t answer me, My heart would break and I would cry. I jumped right up when I saw her, But couldn’t think of what to say, So I just kicked her on the shin And then […]

Bald Man’s Lament

I used to go to the barber shop To talk and pass the time of day. I used to go to the barber shop Whenever I had things to say. I miss those trips to the barber shop To spin tales in the barber’s chair. But I don’t go to the barber shop Since I […]


When the pastor shook hands at the door, He knew that he could count on Herman For a detailed evaluation, Always critical of his sermon. The pastor knew that Brother Herman Was certainly not his greatest fan. So he was surprised when Herman said It made him feel like a brand new man. Pastor was […]

There’s a Frog in my Stew

He said, “Waiter, waiter, There’s a frog in my stew! I ordered shrimp gumbo, Now I think I see two!” “Well don’t make such a fuss”, The waiter quickly said. “They’re not swimming about, Just look, they’re both dead!” “And don’t wave them around! Put them back in your stew, Or all of the others […]