I’ll Just Cry Instead

I picked a stickery flower
From a stickery thistle.
Now if I were a grown-up,
I’d shake my hand and whistle.

There are so many stickers
That my hand is turning red.
Since I haven’t learned to whistle,
I guess that I’ll just cry instead.


#1 jocarol hebert on 11.12.08 at 5:55 am

i met you at the storyteller guild meeting tues, 11th. i like the voice of the child that you project in your writing. i like “guess i’ll cry” with it’s philosophical conclusion of the innocent child. i write poetry for children, too. i’d like to check out your books and eventually purchase one. thank you, jo hebert

#2 jocarol hebert on 11.12.08 at 5:57 am

forgot to add one thing . . . my Grandson, Joey, 11 yrs. writes and illustrates with cartoons. He will love your cartoons of kids and a compliment from a kid is the best kind of all. jocarol hebert

#3 wayne on 02.24.09 at 8:51 am

Thanks for your comment. My books can be ordered by mail. Postage is free.

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