Dads are Fun

Oh little balloon,
Up in the sky,
You left me, now
I’m going to cry.

When my dad bought
You, just for me,
I held you up
For all to see,

Cause no one else
Had one like you;
My dad bought me
The only blue.

Now you’re laughing
At me, I know,
As I wonder
How high you’ll go.

But if I cry
I know my dad
Won’t want to see
Me look so sad,

And he will buy
Another one.
My dad sure is
A lot of fun.


#1 Jeremy on 11.27.12 at 4:36 pm

I love your poem about the boy and his balloon It was funny

#2 Jeremy on 02.08.13 at 4:57 pm

My dad is always fun to talk to

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