Art Exhibit

I am so excited,
You’re the first one to know.
Today I will open
My humongous art show.

I’ve been working for months,
Drawing pictures with care.
So, if you’re not busy,
Won’t you try to be there?

The pictures are all placed
So to best show my style.
There won’t be room for all
‘Cause I drew quite a pile.

The best one of the show
Is Green Alligator,
But they all look real nice
On Mom’s ‘fridgerator.


#1 bel c. on 09.07.12 at 2:22 pm

This one is great. If I may, can I attach this poem tho the cover page of my Preschool learners’ art scrapbook for their exhibit? Thank you.

#2 wayne on 10.11.12 at 12:46 pm

I’m sorry that I didn’t see your request sooner. I am always pleased to see my work used to benefit children. Just include my web site down in one corner. It is the only way that other children can discover it.

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